Fast Fashion Website
My final website is a parody of existing fast fashion websites. I wanted to explore fast fashion and the effects it has on our society as well as its environmental impact. Marketing on social media has negatively impacted fashion trends. The trends are constantly changing which causes over consumption and brands create over produced poor quality clothing. As a consequence of this, there is a negative impact on pollution as well as cheap labour.
For my final website I took inspirations from fast fashion website such as H&M, Garage, Fashion Nova and Pretty little thing. The name of my brand is Style City. On the website there are 7 active pages that you can navigate to including the home page. On the surface the website looks like a regular fashion website however, after clicking some buttons you can find hidden sections that go more into detail about the impact the fast fashion industry has on our planet and society.
Problem Space
How might we help users be aware of the negative affects of fast fashion and consumerism in a interactive way?
Social media is negatively impacting fashion trends which in turn is causing consumers to buy more than they need. Consequently, this is negatively impacting our planet. It is impacting pollution, imposing health hazards on workers, and continues to use child labour. It is important to be aware of what we are buying.
Interactive Website
My solution was to design and create an interactive parody clothing website to bring awareness to the issue. I wanted to showcase information on consumer and fast fashion in an easy and digestible way. I used CSS, HTML and JavaScript to create the final website. On the surface each page looks like a regular page from a clothing website however, after looking deeper there is hidden information on each page.